For over 25 years, Theater Talk has been appointment listening on WBFO, featuring the insights of theater critic and historian, Anthony Chase, who joins Peter Hall for a five-minute weekly broadcast at 6:45 and 8:45 Friday mornings on 88.7 WBFO with a podcast available on This Friday, January 14, the discussion of replacement actors (swings, understudies, standbys) moves from the theoretical to the actual cases of TOY (Theatre of Youth) and OCC (O'Connell & Co.).
For over 25 years, Theater Talk has been appointment listening on WBFO, featuring the insights of theater critic and historian, Anthony Chase, who joins Peter Hall for a five-minute weekly broadcast at 6:45 and 8:45 Friday mornings on 88.7 WBFO with a podcast available on Last week was about understudies, swings, and standbys. This week, January 7, we see the impact of Covid on Buffalo Theaters.
For over 25 years, Theater Talk has been appointment listening on WBFO, featuring the insights of theater critic and historian, Anthony Chase, who joins Peter Hall for a five-minute weekly broadcast at 6:45 and 8:45 Friday mornings on 88.7 WBFO with a podcast available on This week we pay tribute to Swings, Standbys, and Understudies and remember former Shaw Festival Artistic Director Christopher Newton.