Target Co. (NYSE:TGT – Get Rating) announced a quarterly dividend on Thursday, March 10th, RTT News reports. Investors of record on Wednesday, May 18th will be paid a dividend of 0.90 per share by the retailer on Friday, June 10th. This represents a $3.60 annualized dividend and a yield of 1.67%. Target has raised its […]
Stratos Wealth Partners LTD. bought a new stake in Target Co. (NYSE:TGT – Get Rating) during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm bought 24,960 shares of the retailer’s stock, valued at approximately $5,777,000. A number of other institutional investors and hedge funds also […]
Target (NYSE:TGT – Get Rating) had its target price upped by UBS Group from $290.00 to $295.00 in a research report sent to investors on Wednesday morning, reports. They currently have a buy rating on the retailer’s stock. Several other research analysts have also recently weighed in on TGT. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reduced their […]
Target (NYSE:TGT – Get Rating) had its target price hoisted by Royal Bank of Canada from $278.00 to $294.00 in a research report report published on Wednesday morning, reports. They currently have an outperform rating on the retailer’s stock. Several other equities analysts have also issued reports on the stock. Credit Suisse Group started […]
Target (NYSE:TGT – Get Rating) released its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday. The retailer reported $3.19 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $2.86 by $0.33, MarketWatch Earnings reports. Target had a return on equity of 44.81% and a net margin of 6.56%. The business had revenue of $31 billion for […]