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A new restaurant is coming to Nanton.
The Town of Nanton’s municipal planning commission (MPC) approved Friday a development permit, with conditions, for the new restaurant.
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Try refreshing your browser. MPC approves permit for new restaurant in Nanton Back to video
Kostas Douros applied to the MPC for a permit to operate a restaurant at 1910 21 Ave. and 2124 20 St.
Numerous conditions were attached to the approved motion, including a provision for the applicant to provide 13 parking stalls, including one barrier-free space, plus one loading space.
The floor plan includes roughly 20 four-person tables, said Georgina Sharpe, the Town’s planning and development officer. But the exact occupancy, as granted by the fire code, could be different from what the seating plan, she added.
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The Town of Nanton is providing up to $1,000 to replace a window at the Nanton Scout Hall after administration was able to get a more accurate quote from the 1st Nanton Scouting Association.
Council made the decision at its Jan. 18 meeting, two weeks after questioning whether a kitchen window would cost $2,000 to replace and asking staff to get more information from the local Scout group.
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Try refreshing your browser. Town council agrees to provide funds for Scout Hall window Back to video
“At the last meeting we were told it would be $2,000 for the one window, and it turned out it’s roughly $700,” said Clayton Gillespie, corporate services manager, during the Jan. 18 meeting, held in the warm room at the Tom Hornecker Recreation Centre. Four councillors attended the meeting virtually.
Author of the article: Stephen Tipper
Publishing date: Jan 19, 2021 • January 19, 2021 • 3 minute read •
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Town of Nanton staff will chat with Tom Hornecker Recreation Centre (THRC) arena user groups before making a decision about whether to take the ice out early.
During its Jan. 18 meeting, council discussed potentially taking the ice out. Claresholm’s council recently carried a motion authorizing administration to remove the arena ice if the Alberta government does not allow the use of recreation facilities after Jan. 21 and/or the restrictions continue. The ice would remain out until the fall of 2021.
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Author of the article: Stephen Tipper
Publishing date: Jan 08, 2021 • January 8, 2021 • 3 minute read •
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Nanton Town council needs more information before deciding to give the 1st Scout Nanton Association funds to replace a window in the Town-owned Scout hall.
The estimated cost to replace one kitchen is $2,000, wrote Beth Lievaart, group commissioner and chairperson, in a Dec. 21 letter to mayor and council. The cost of the window was not included in the group’s original kitchen renovation proposal, she wrote.
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Try refreshing your browser. Town council considers funding request from local Scout group Back to video