WAYNESBURG, Pa. - The Grove City College defense forced four turnovers while the Wolverine offense produced a pair of 100-yard receivers and five rushing touchdowns Saturday afternoon as Grove City
March 3, 1887: A new merchant had arrived in town, according to The Comet. âMr. F. M. Chritzman, of Gettysburg, Pa., arrived last Tuesday morning and is now fitting up the room in the Worley Blook, lately occupied by W.B. Lewis, for a jewelry store. He expects to have everything in order and will open his store for business by Saturday. Mr. Chritzman comes well recommended as an experienced jeweler and practiced watchmaker. He will carry a large stock of everything usually found in a first-class jewelery (sic) store, and will guarantee everything he sells, or all work done, to give satisfaction and to be just as represented. Mr. Chritzman will move his family to Johnson City about the first of May.â
Feb. 24, 1887: “The Apron Bazaar at Jobe’s Hall last Thursday night under the management of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church was a financial success,” according to