The fence, built exclusively as a canine containment structure to keep each of our dogs from befouling the lawn of the other, has done its job well over the years.
As is the case with any fence, however, it has always been a bit of a hassle to keep the ground below it neat and trim. Neither I, nor my brother-in-law, Craig were apt to spend much time weed-whacking when our children were young and headed off in every direction. For us, it was good enough to simply scoop the poop, mow the grass and take off after the kids.
Send Help! Following the breadcrumbs to a failed genius
John C. Lorson
Once when I was wrapping up a presentation at a retirement center a spry and lovely senior snuck up behind me, gave my elbow a little pinch and said something I’ve never forgotten.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to follow the trial of bread crumbs you’d leave throughout the day?” she said with an ornery giggle. “Oh, the time that would be!”
There have been many times when my path has seemed particularly convoluted or crazy that I’ve remembered that moment and thought, “Boy, would Evelyn have loved to follow along on this adventure!”