Readers, including a former F.B.I. agent, respond to the novelist on guns. Also: Freedom of expression; support for Jews; the Vatican synod; climate activism.
Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble’s mission is to revive the practice of memento mori, intentionally thinking about your own death as a means of appreciating the present.Credit.Tony Luong for The New York Times
To the Editor:
We have a 100 percent mortality rate. But too many people never engage in a process of thinking about and planning for their deaths so that they can die, to the extent possible, on their own terms in accord with their values and beliefs, religious and otherwise.
Those 18 and over should have discussions with loved ones and appoint a health care agent (or durable power of attorney for health care), a trusted person who will be a strong advocate to make health care decisions consistent with the wishes of the patient, if the patient no longer can make such decisions. (About 70 percent of us lose the ability near the end of life.)