State university who have encouraged my scholarship. His Angela State University by the way and i really appreciate the fact that for four years they have encouraged me to study what to me is a very interesting subject matter and i intend to do it for as long as i can. And finally i would like to thank all of you for coming. It is always a great pleasure to speak to the World Affairs counsel of houston. This is a great place to speak and im really happy to be here and away from the oasis in the desert of saint angelo. Let me talk about what im going to try to do hopefully successfully today as im going to talk about key events that have occurred really since february. I take that back really since november of 2013. The uncle of kim jongun by marriage of going to tie the events i talk about to this book north korea and Regional Security in the kim jongun era and for our cspan viewers its available on amazon as well. So lets talk about when kim jongun took over. Before he took over peopl