Daily Monitor
Thursday January 21 2021
Ugandans have been commended for the peaceful exercise of presidential and parliamentary elections.
The rather surprise behaviour followed a wave of violence that characterised the campaigning period, in which many people were killed, bruised, and lost their property.
Much of the violence was, paradoxically, instigated by State security agencies purportedly in a pre-emptive move against perceived civil unrest, especially by the youth.
However, this was not the first time Ugandans have demonstrated their pursuance for peace through peaceful means.
The word in the Hebrew Bible for peace is “shalom.” Shalom begins when God called order out of the chaos at creation, and it continues as God brings order to the chaos of our lives.
Daily Monitor
Sunday January 03 2021
Opinion. What is your plan for the New Year? Msgr John Wynand Katende gives you tips on how to deal with your spirituality.
By celebrating the New Year within the context of Christmas, we acknowledge that Christianity is based on a particular person who was born at a particular time in history. Whereas scientists estimate the earth to be over 4.5 billion years old and Biblical accounts place it at about 24,000 years, the Christian calendar reckons 2021 AD.
One wonders, then, why New Year’s Day does not coincide with Christmas! Considering the Jewish background of rampant infant immortality at the time of Jesus’ birth, a child’s chances of survival could only be ascertained eight days later. But a theological explanation appreciates that God may have called for circumcision on the eighth day to point to Christ and the New Covenant “new creation” He would bring (Gal. 6:13-15). Circumcision was also considered as
Daily Monitor
Sunday December 13 2020
The three main colours of the candles lit for the season are purple, pink, and white. PHOTO | RACHEL MABALA
Did you know? In Christianity, Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, or the Sunday which falls closest to November 30, and lasts through Christmas Eve, or December 24. When Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, it is the last or fourth Sunday of Advent. Thus, the actual season of Advent can last anywhere from 22-28 days.
It has been observed that the Christmas feast has become more secular than spiritual. People of all backgrounds look forward to Christmas in terms of commercialism and merrymaking. The most conspicuous factor seems to be lack of adequate spiritual preparation for it. Traditionally, such preparation has been provided for by the season of Advent.