Lansford Borough wants more information on a countywide police testing consortium, as it searches for a new police chief and additional officers.
Council on Wednesday moved to allow the public safety .
Lansford Borough has a garbage problem, according to one councilman.
Council Vice President John Turcmanovich said Tuesday that garbage is piling up in his neighborhood, where three homes aren’t havin.
Lansford Borough provided an update on its police situation Tuesday night.
The borough advertised for police officers in three different newspapers, and no one applied, Council Vice President John Tur.
Lansford Borough Council is giving up on its swimming pool, and exploring prices on a new splash pad for summer recreation.
Council hopes to have a design ready early next year to apply for the next g.
Lansford Borough Council moved on advertising for a police chief, more police officers and a full-time code officer Wednesday, after getting an earful from residents about the lack of enforcement in t.