Morning News on Means TV
The U.S. election has finally been secured with even Donald Trump almost tacitly acknowledging that he lost. In the aftermath, the mainstream media has now swung behind Joe Biden’s return to normalcy. The dominant media opposed Trump, not on grounds that he was a corporate bloodletter who bombed Syria, murdered Iran’s leading general, and laid waste to U.S. natural resources, all actions either applauded or tacitly condoned, but that he was an unfit and buffoonish manager of the empire.
It is only in the world of alternative media that both Trump’s actual crimes and Biden’s “normalcy”–which had the global economy on the brink of a new recession
Morning News on Means TV
The U.S. election has finally been secured with even Donald Trump almost tacitly acknowledging that he lost. In the aftermath, the mainstream media has now swung behind Joe Biden’s return to normalcy. The dominant media opposed Trump, not on grounds that he was a corporate bloodletter who bombed Syria, murdered Iran’s leading general, and laid waste to U.S. natural resources, all actions either applauded or tacitly condoned, but that he was an unfit and buffoonish manager of the empire.
It is only in the world of alternative media that both Trump’s actual crimes and Biden’s “normalcy”–which had the global economy on the brink of a new recession