The New York Times review where he noticed it was price there will be a book signing for your friends and family outside this room. Without further ado thank you for joining us. Please take it away. [applause]. Thank you so much. Thank you for being here. Happy that you are here instead i just want to say to my cohost and for the host tonight. The Carnegie Corporation of new york. In the new world foundation. Maybe would actually support the work going into the book. You will hear from simon greer. He is a pri board member and helped us organize the event tonight. And a seam the same with him i will be speaking with in a little bit. This is one of the burning questions of this election cycle. It gives you an overview of what we will do this evening. I want to spend a few minutes and you a little bit of the taste of the data behind to the book. I do want to say this is a datadriven book but not data dominated. It tells a story that i think it uses numbers to tell a story. We will do mor
Librarians are people who help people. And information rich world. A question i did not follow up on it is your dad still alive . No. So did he have brothers and sisters. Guest no. Im an only child. Its interesting when you say is your dad still with us, some of his image that he liked jazz and he was also a studio musician so he still talks music and everything but he also is a studio musician. So sometimes a minimal and i can hear my dad playing background on a song and that is quite a feeling. Who is your favorite jazz musician . Guest miles davis. I think its because i actually met him and he was pretty cool back then ands i have always felt that there was something about him and as an eight or 9yearold to have a person, i didnt know how cool he was then but he was nice to me. So you probably are not old enough to have been to mr. Kellys or the house in chicago . I knew about the london house. My dad played there. That was a group that they took in so you can still hear their music
As a 17yearold, i couldnt understand. Reading this anthology i finally understood what it meant to be in a community with folks writing for and in some ways putting our community on our back and going where we are going. But i think it is much more daring in this American Literary enterprise to write to your folks. Its hard to say that in this room that is mostly white life of a young black folks out there im talking to you when i say this, it is imperative. You cant love somebody if you dont communicate to them. We will tell you to communicate over. It is a necessity to understand you come from a people who made a living two and four the deep south. [applause] i think we are out of time. This has been a great panel. [applause] [inaudible conversations] senator lamar alexander, if somebody asked you for a recommendation for a book aboutn tennessee or tennessee history, what would you recommend . Ale alex stewart. He was a barrel maker. He lived in Hancock County which is one of our rem
You can watch previous episodes on our website. Senator lamar alexander, if somebody asked you for a recommendation about tennessee or tennessee history what would you recommend . I would recommend alex stewart by john rise erwin. Stewart was a clipper who is a barrel maker and lived in hancock county, a remote county. John rice erwin is the creator ofhe museum of appalachian. He could make anything. He could pull teeth, catch a squirrel and skin it, fry it and eat it. He was so interesting he was invited to washington to be part of the smithsonian folk life festival one time. If you want to get a sense of how some Mountain People lived totally off the land, alex stewart by john rice erwin. Host a lot of famous politicians from tennessee. Poke, a couple president s like jackson and johnson. I mentioned two, john meechamp best book. He wrote a book not as many people know about. It is a short book and i think it is about the role of religion in america. I read polks diaries. He sat down
Here it. Right now, we have no credible intelligence of a plot on the homeland. Let me remind you what ill coalition is doing to destroy these terrorists and defeat their ideology. We have conducted more than 8000 airstrikes on strongholds and equipment. Those strikes along with our partners on the ground have taken out key leaders, taken back territory in both iraq and syria. John how did he do . Mark he did well. I thought it was important to reassure American Families that , that hery is safe talked about the coalition and about what is being done to isil, and i thought his tone was pretty good. I thought he did just fine. John he was chris, on point, crisp, onwas at point, and there was an obligatory feel to this. He did what he had to do. It was perfectly competent and solid. Thanksgiving is not celebrated elsewhere, so in europe you will see the french president continue his travels around the globe. It seems like they are aligned with the United States after yesterdays meeting.