challenger, john raese, by almost five points with the history you have in that state, what explains that? well, bill, first of all, polls are polls, there will be many poll tw-s now and election day and that s the final poll that counts. next of all, i think you said it all first, i do relate and people know that i am one of them, i was raised in the cole camp, i understand the hardships, and these are the great epeople in the world, the coal miners, coal miners family that have given us the nation we have. john doesn t relate to that, living in palm beach, florida and people are finding out about that, i think that will unveil itself. the ad they put on about us and our state and depicting it in such a horrible light, making fun of it, it s just wrong, and we worked so hard, i don t know, bill, if people realize, for six years, we ve been a state that s been a financial beacon for the rest of the country, we re rated as one of the best financially managed states and in the best po
committee taken down an ad for raese following the report sought casting call with actors that could look hicky. they are calling for them to apologize for offending residents of the west virginia. nrsc says it was not involved in casting the ad. the race is pretty tight. the average give raese 4.5-point lead over the popular governor in west virginia. those are the stories we re watching on the fox big board. we will follow the races throughout 26 days before, of course, the mid-term elections. we look at some of the length the politicians are going to hang on to power. and democratic think tank says going after the liberal vote
14, 11, 10, and eight. all districts president obama won on the way to the white house. dick durbin said yesterday after fouring a manufacturering business, he believes the democrats are punished by the sluggish economy. people in the frustration expect their president and their government to solve the problem. we elected you to solve the problem. sometimes the solution to the problem is not in our immediate grasp and takes a longer period of time. almost certainly, durbin, concedes, visible sign of economic recovery won t happen until after election day. long after. that may be far few late for number of democrats on the federal ballots this fall. bret: live in chicago. thank you. back to races to watch now and head to west virginia. this is contested between joe manchin and john raese. the national republican snarl
a closer look at that. martha: and a popular democratic governor is fighting to hold on to a senate seat that has been in democratic hands for nearly 50 years and his republican opponent is coming out swinging. if it walks like a duck and a quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, nine times out of ten it s a duck and here s a governor who supports obamacare, a governor who supports the stimulus and that brought cap and trade, obama s cap and trade to west virginia, and we call it cap and trade manchin style. martha: well, mr. raese has a lot of attention in this thing and whoever wins this race could tip the balance of power in the sen kwrafplt it s one of the central races to watch, west virginia democrat joe manchin joins us live, moments from now. don t go away.
committee taken down an ad for raese following the report sought casting call with actors that could look hicky. they are calling for them to apologize for offending residents of the west virginia. nrsc says it was not involved in casting the ad. the race is pretty tight. the average give raese 4.5-point lead over the popular governor in west virginia. those are the stories we re watching on the fox big board. we will follow the races throughout 26 days before, of course, the mid-term elections. we look at some of the length the politicians are going to hang on to power. and democratic think tank says going after the liberal vote is not the right move. ght also t to try lifting one of these. ght also t a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell s condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts.