DEERFIELD With the exception of a few articles that were passed over as anticipated, all articles were approved at annual Town Meeting on Monday, including a $3 million appropriation for the South Deerfield Wastewater Treatment Plant’s.
DEERFIELD With the exception of a few articles that were passed over as anticipated, all articles were approved at Annual Town Meeting on Monday, including a $3 million appropriation for the South Deerfield Wastewater Treatment Plant’s.
SOUTH DEERFIELD In the name of providing a safe space for children to play in the street as in generations past, Cross Street will be closed to through traffic from 3:30 to 6 p.m. on Friday.Organized in Deerfield by Merril Miceli, the Play Streets.
DEERFIELD With a variety of projects slated to revitalize South Deerfield, the Select Board met with local legislators recently to update them on the town’s vision and talk about funding avenues.Joined by Connecting Community Initiative Chair Denise.
DEERFIELD With a variety of projects slated to revitalize South Deerfield, the Selectboard met with local legislators this week to update them on the town’s vision and talk about funding avenues.Joined by Connecting Community Initiative Chair Denise.