An urgent warning has been issued to parents after four children died in a year from getting their necks stuck in roller blind cords.
The latest incident was a four-year-old girl whose neck got stuck while playing in her bedroom with her sister in October last year.
Ten children have died in Australia in the past decade after accidentally being strangled by a roller blind cord.
The young girl s death is the fourth in just 12 months, leading to an urgent warning to parents to be more vigilant.
The latest incident was a four-year-old girl whose neck got stuck in the roller blind cord while playing in her bedroom (stock image)
The youngster was playing in the bedroom with her sister when she somehow became entangled. The incident was revealed as a coroner urged authorities to further drive home the dangers of curtain and blind cords. The little girl, known only as Infant A, had not long had breakfast when the tragedy unfolded in October last year. Infant A s mother watched the girl play with her sister - all three having just stood by the kitchen window and waved the girls father goodbye. The children s play moved to the hallway near the front door and then to Infant A s bedroom where the girls first played with some wooden blocks, before Infant A s mother built towers with them and then read them a book in Infant A s bedroom, a coronial finding noted.