Kenya s social drinkers may actually be alcoholics
Catherine Boyane Oloo Aringo opened her eyes one morning in 2013 to her daughter shaking her awake in a ditch in the sprawling Manyani slum in Nakuru.
Jaw bleeding from a previous night’s fight, it was in this wretched and unlikeliest of places that she set forth on a new journey. She knew she had to turn her back on the alcoholism that had plagued her life for 28 years.
Born in a dysfunctional family, and egged on by peer pressure, Catherine, who is now 52, started abusing drugs when she was only 13.
“Fighting between my mother and father sent me to seek love among my peers who introduced me to drinking,” she says.
Daniel Chege |
February 17th 2021 at 00:00:00 GMT +0300
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