Battle Bling captured the $100,000 Twixt, Armando R took the Japan Turf Cup, and Factor It notched the first stakes win for his owner in the Challehon Saturday at Laurel Park.
During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln declared martial law and authorized military tribunals to try terrorists because they could act quickly, gather intelligence through interrogation, and preventlife-saving information from becoming public. That Lincoln emergesfrom this controversy with a reputation for statesmanship may bethe most powerful argument for his judicious application ofexecutive authority during a national emergency.
Tucker Carlson has served a valuable service in giving voice to qualms that should ruffle the political consensus that has driven our support of Ukraine. He seeks to highlight uncomfortable facts that should belie the uniparty consensus, or at least make it more thoughtful. Last night he devoted his opening monologue Everybody is lying (video) to denouncing Ukraine President Zelensky as a tyrant. Tucker s monologue was predicated on