Opera House Artsâ new director started this week
STONINGTON â Tony Adams, former artistic director of Chicagoâs Halcyon Theatre from 2006 to 2019, began work Monday as Opera House Artsâ new executive director. Adams was among more than 100 candidates who applied for the job. He succeeds Per Janson, who resigned last July. The plan is to hire a part-time director of artistic programs too.
Both Adams and his wife, Jennifer, co-founded the nonprofit Halcyon Theatre, an innovative theater ensemble, in Chicagoâs Albany Park Neighborhood. The Adamses strived to make their theaterâs stage âas diverse as the city of Chicago â presenting new voices from inadequately represented communities and recasting classic works to showcase their contemporary relevance.â
PANAMA CITY It s not unusual for patrons of the Lie brary on Beck to ask if they can check out books there or, for that matter, trade or buy them.
That seems like a reasonable question, considering the lounge s name as well as the presence of hundreds of vintage books on the shelves that run along the northern wall and behind the bar. Every day, we post a book photo on Instagram, and the first to find it and present it to the bartender gets their first drink on us, said Jake Navarro, the marketing and events director for the Lie brary, 1123 Beck Ave., in historic St. Andrews.
got its own name, the miracle at the meadowlands. 1978, 17-12, 20 seconds left. they had to take a knee. instead coach john mcveigh decided to do a run play. the giants runner fumbled, the eagles herm edwards picked it up and ran it back for a game-winning touchdown and the number one worst coaching mistake in sports history. by the way, we want to update you before we go on the story, very deadly story out of sea world. an employee at sea world orlando has died after apparently being attacked by a killer whale. paramedics were called to the shamu stadium to find the worker could not be revived. there have been a number of concerns it was only a matter of time at least according to some environmentalists before one of sea world s killer whales might take a trainer s life. there have been complaints about
american manufacture of automobiles or products being sold in the american market. if that impression that i have is true, that s very troubling to me. i would like you, as best you can and i understand the difference in language to explain whether or not you re giving the american automobile purchaser, your customer, and the american market, the same level of attention you give to the japanese market or the european market. and if you didn t in the past, what are you going to do to make sure that difference doesn t occur in the future? we can t afford to have a lag of a year or two years of finding out something is defective in an automobile. i suspect the stock price is reflecting that to you, that it could be very costly. i hope it doesn t destroy a great deal of the equity of your company and i hope you can move on and move beyond this question. i want to hear, in my own mind, that there hasn t been this difference between the home market and american market or the ho