needs something new, fresh and different. is rand paul something new, fresh and different that can be thrown into the 2016 run with the chris crist yix or jeb bushs? he really is. there s been an emerging rift. remember early 2000 you had two wars where pretty much every republican was in support, and now a small group of republicans led by rand paul that s very skeptical of wars in general. very isolationist. so there is room in the republican party. i think most republicans are where lindsey graham and john mccain are, but rand paul will be a new leader in this part of the party, doesn t like a lot of intervention, and i think he s going to be someone a force to be reckoned with,. i want to thank our power panel today. thanks, gang. appreciate it. i want to bring along this
ways we might begin to bridge some of the difference that is we face especially on budget issues. a little less fuzzy, the growing rift over the filibuster over the drone program. the country needs more senators who care about liberty, but if mr. paul wants to be taken seriously, he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in their college dorms. he needs to know what he s talking about. senators john mccain and lindsey graham s scathing response to paul s nearly 13-hour i thought it was rather insulting for the way that these gentlemen responded to this. your words, senator, john mccain and senator lindsey graham fighting vehemently to defend president obama s policy. it was a little disorienting.
fight. there s not a battle they don t want to engage. that, i think is really exhausting, considering the heavy price and cost this country has already paid, including, by the way, a war this country didn t fight, that senator mccain led the rally for. so criticize senator paul for what needs to be criticized, but senator mccain is pushing the notion he can be justifiably you know, they re going to have people scratching their heads on that one. let s talk about rand paul and what this means to his rising star, as they were talking about it on fox news. i thought it was a brilliant political play by paul? it was genius. look. i would call it a stunt, except for the fact that he was entirely sincere, and he was entirely right. entirely right. you know, in that politico interview as well. rand paul was asked about his run for 2016, potential run. perry he said i think our party
to the white house about those concerns. the grand vote was 3-34. senator bernie sanders, great to have you on, as always. thank you. thank you very much. absolutely. coming up, maverick versus rand paul and the rising star that senator might have as we see senator john mccain and lindsey graham, as we just mentioned. they were getting pushback to taking to the floor to slam rand paul. plus signed it, but now he wants the supreme court to overturn it. we re going to talk with former fob david mixner. that leads to the question of the day for you what do you think of bill clinton s about-face on doma? [ female announcer ] from tracking the bus.
the drone debates is on capitol hill and highlighting a growing rift in the republican party. john mccain and lind psi graham being taken to task for their blistering talk about the filibuster. calm down, senator. the u.s. government cannot randomly target american citizens on u.s. soil or anywhere else. to my republican colleagues, i don t remember any of you coming down here suggesting that president bush was going to kill anybody with a drone. we covered that exchange live right here yesterday perry bacon is here, and democratic