The Free Electron Laser (FEL) Award is given to a person or people who have made a substantial contribution to the development of the free-electron laser field. The Award also offers the international FEL community the chance to honor one or more of its peers for their remarkable accomplishments.
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Radio hams who provided link to Antarctic base Clark News Online picks up on a story that first appeared in the Antarctic Sun about two Clark residents the Madey brothers
Jules K2KGJ and
John K2KGH They feature pictures of the Madey brothers family home at 1037 Raritan Road, Clark, New Jersey and say:
“These two ‘Clarkites,’ along with their ham radio, made themselves and Clark famous, when the two kids and a U.S. Navy Antarctic substation at the South Pole connected with each other,” Toal said. The two brothers were able to pass messages from the navy officers at the substation to their families back home according to Toal.