Lovaas Honored By County For 26 Years As Reston Farmers Market Manager - Reston, VA - John Lovaas, who retired in December as the Reston Farmers Market manager, received a proclamation from the Fairfax Board of Supervisors.
Metro Would Slash Service in Proposed Budget “Metro proposed a budget Tuesday with service cuts officials say would make the transit system ‘unrecognizable’ and have a devastating economic impact on the region. On the table are across-the-board service cuts, including the closure of 10 Metro stations, earlier station closing times, the elimination of nearly
FCPD Steps Up DUI Enforcement for Holiday Season “During this campaign, running from December 4 to December 29 the squad will increase their staffing and focus on ensuring our roadways remain safe this holiday season. These initiatives are aimed at promoting sober driving, pinpointing impaired drivers, and increasing officer presence on the roads.” [FCPD]
Reston Farmers Market Manager John Lovaas Steps Down After 26 Years - Reston, VA - John Lovaas, who founded the Reston Farmers Market, will be stepping down on Saturday after 26 years as the market's manager.
Reston Farmers’ Market a staple of Lake Anne Village Center has officially landed in Reston. The farmers market, which launched in late April, boasts the highest-ever number of vendors this year, according to John Lovaas, founder and co-market manager. “We have 34 vendors (up 5 from last year),” Lovaas wrote in a statement.