Voters in the Okoboji School District selected three school board candidates this election. Current board member John Klopstad was the only incumbent up for reelection this cycle to throw his hat in the ring. He gained 420 votes for 17 percent of the vote, but it was candidate Jeanne Fisher who was the candidate of choice, according to unofficial results from the Dickinson County Auditor's Office. Fisher received 477 votes for about 19 percent of the vote.
Candidates in the race for Spirit Lake School Board were invited to two separate forums last week neither was able to boast a full bench of board candidates, but both drew dozens upon dozens of community members interested in hearing from those in the race.
Filing deadlines closed Thursday for candidates seeking local city offices and school board seats. Dickinson County voters will cast ballots in nine different contested races this November, and additional ballot measures will be posed to voters in some areas.
School board ballots to be sizeable