Edition of hannity. Im pete hegseth, in for sean. Well, the antitrump kangaroo c court in New York City was notot in today and wont be back until after the long memorial day. Probiden judge juan merchan is more than happy to drag this out. Its his time to shine afteor all. Unfortunately for marshawn and other trump hating Democrats Acrossm an the countrn the prosecutions case is a disaster. But thats, of course, not stopping congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez, From T The Socialist from the bronx, from openly fantasizing about Keeping Trump in a box. Watch is hosting a rally hos to try to con people and try and to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal feese them. And by the way, hes doing it in the south bronx. Not to make a poin t, but because hes got caught and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle be bracelet around him. And he cant leavearound the fio boroughs because you always have to be in court. And so i lwayt is truly and embarr
man: if you were to have a son, would you encourage a political career for him? kennedy: oh, definitely. i would hope he would grow up to be if not a politician in the sense of devoting all of his time, i would hope that whatever he did do, that he would have some sense of responsibility for what went on. couric: when you hear him talk about that, do you ever feel like your choice not to pursue a career in public service might have disappointed him? -no. i can t imagine that he would have said anything different being asked that question under those circumstances. you know, he d always said that he thought everyone should run for office. and, listen, there s a lot of time in life to do all sorts of things. hey, everyone. welcome to how it really happened. i m hill harper. july 17, 1999, we woke up to shocking news. john f. kennedy jr., his wife carolyn, and her sister lauren were missing, last seen aboard a private plane headed for martha s vineyard with john at the con
The anchor desk and i suggested that both ides brread italian restaurt. Absolutely. Gw up, guys. Ll right, noo quite alian restaurantbut the whe house becse appant thihow moves potical mounins. Enough aut me and my por. Back to what there doing about m andy powe what will come of t opening lunch george allen thinks my id was a becaus he sees a lot getting doney republicans regardless. Governor, senatoo, alwayssgootoave you. I always think its good to breakad. I alws feain the end thre jusgoin to break ea other legs. Wh did you s ppenin i think its important to listen to e othe and undersnd eac side. I ink they do. Ihink theepublicans now that theres a jori in the senate as wl as the hoe, ne to act. It was a great election victory, buno itsn opportunity turbo charge this economy, and i do think tre are grndor aas where you can find a common idea of gtiig our countrore neil ke where . Whe would ttommo area be . I think thee leadership in the senate th orrinatch a paul ryan ii the house,
York. The nomination process for the Supreme Court nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh is up ended again. The california professor who accuses him of sexually assaulted her is now swelling the Senate Judiciary committee is saying she is not prepared to testify on monday at all. They want an independent investigation before, before any senate hearing. But last night, one of those lawyers seemed to acknowledge on cnn that ford herself needs some time. Listen to this. Since coming forward, her life has been turned upside down. And rushing forward into a hearing when shes under this much pressure isnt the way to do it. Senate democrats are backing fords request, but overnight a critical gop swing vote implore he used that word implored Brett Kavanaughs opportunity to take the opportunity shes been we may hear from President Trump on this and other issues in minutes. Hes heading to North Carolina to survey flood damage there after complaining that democrats just like to obstruct and resist. Well