i got that. you guys can see. his city is 45 minutes from phoenix and it s out in like almost like a little area by itself. i used to live in maricopa. it s a little town by itself way away from phoenix, 45 minutes outside the border of phoenix. [speaker not understood]. yeah. it s out there. and you re like, this kid is traveling. so, you can see it tells you what cameras they take pictures with. this is the mic camera, what it was removed, what type of surface it was. it comes with an incident number. that incident number is tracked to our graffiti abatement team. from them i give incident number, 451 4321. okay, we cleaned it up on this date and it was 45 21 for a damage estimate or $54. whatever it took for them to clean that off and how they cleaned it off, that s how we get our damage estimate to make a bigger case. [speaker not understood]? for the abatement? as that s a whole nother ball game and a whole nother day. but i can get it for you. they do an
member, smily. there s always going to be a smily, right? the great thing is when you do do it, it pulls up. if i pull up like merc, i see that merc tags with five different other people. so, how can i get hold of merc? start finding out what the other guys are doing. it s a big, big thing for you to use. and this is how we put our big cases together. this is our hotline program and it s, like i said, the hotline program is similar to silent witness program i was telling you about. you remain anonymous. that s big for the kids, too. a lot of places that we use this hotline reward is in the schools because that s where you re going to get a lot of intel. once they see a little bit of this and they see a little bit of money going out, they become more and more people are ratting on everybody. we get them to rat on each other. we ve even had taggers tell on other taggers. which is kind of funny. the rewards range from $75 to $250. like i said, we have a board that sits on it
you leave up out of here, make sure you grab a graffiti tracker card. i can t tell you how great this thing was. graffiti tracker provides clients with gps enabled i goctiontionv tal cameras. every time someone goes out anybody have people that clean up their graffiti neighborhood services department? phoenix has neighborhood services department. they go out, see the graffiti, they take a picture of it with these cameras that graffiti tracker gives you. graffiti tracker, you take the pictures gps enabled. it sends it back to graffiti tracker. graffiti tracker puts it in a database for us. i have it on my phone. they give us these phones that have all of our apps on it for graffiti. graffiti tracker here on my phone. a sewer, like we were looking at earlier, say sewer painted. they take the gps enabled camera. they take a picture, that gets sent in here. i have a ton of things you can do on this thing where you can find out sewer hit at 37th street indian school road 52 time
facebook stuff. we could set and i could show you all the intel that we get off of that. this is just brief. this is just a little bit of it, hour and a half thing. there s tons more out there. you d be surprised at what you can find and what you can get. the other thing that i use is two things that one of ours that we use in phoenix and again, this is one of the main reasons why people come to us is that gaolgraffiti hotline. our graffiti hotline program is almost like a silent witness. many are designed first to school age kids. any time we get grab eat aloe on the school we would take pictures up and put up a reward poster. we got a phoenix community alliance that has business members tire of graffiti that put money into this program. and we use it to reward people for calling others in on graffiti, up to $250. the point system, we go to a board once a month and talk about the different cases that we get and we reward these people up to $250. huge, great program in
strike again, okay. the one, other good feature they have on here, is if you do arrest somebody, say you arrest sewer and you find out his name is ricardo sanchez, and say you get sewer down here in san francisco. you could type in that search and say, oh, he was there was a sewer that was arrested in phoenix, arizona on such time and date and the detective that arrested him. you can call that detective and say, hey, did you have a sewer there, yep, ricardo sanchez, really? you can match up things that way. they do travel. [speaker not understood]. when i went through his facebook he had a ton of pictures from california. and all we did is call out here, hey, do you remember this? unfortunately it s kind of hard to figure out where it was and he wouldn t tell me the california one for some reason. but it works, a big thing. the other thing that they do with graffiti tracker that like about is they give you the activities. a lot of the officers on the street now, they re lik