Gamm’s Artistic Director, Tony Estrella, is the perfect person to direct Martic McDonagh’s black comedy, “Hangmen." He has seen the play on Broadway and in London, and …
The trouble with a Martin McDonagh play performed at The Gamm, is that it’s inevitably going to be too good. McDonagh is a master of inky black comedy, and The Gamm have now presented five of his plays over the years, so it’s been fascinating to watch Gamm regulars find new places in the McDonagh-verse, and really lean into the sinister aspects of these plays. However, for the person who has to write a review of this nearly-flawless show, it’s a somewhat daunting experience. How do you describe a show so dark using only positive adjectives? If McDonagh reads this review, will he dismiss it as hackneyed fluff? Thankfully, he will never read this, so I can say unequivocally–this show is great, go see it.
Playwright Martin McDonagh clears the path with crisp, razor-sharp dialogue layered with cleverly constructed and wonderfully inappropriate one-liners.
Marching bands from the area took to the field, some for the final time this season, at Kentucky Music Educators Association state marching band competition.