Degrees and the Windsor South southwest and nine mph the south and southwest winds will drive our temperatures up. It is cool and when but instead of seeing temperatures in the teens at around petersburg and richmond this morning upper twenty s to low thirties we do have mid forties in Virginia Beach upper thirties rocker attacking Elizabeth City chess peak right now thirty nine forty three in williamsburg as we take a look at the satellite radar images are some clearing right now cross erie but there are more clouds out to the west and eventually youre going to see increasing clouds in the showers out there theyre going to move in later on tonight we could see a few showers breaking across the area. Theres a front out there it is going cool things down a little bit for tomorrow but in the meantime lets enjoy a warm up some areas it may reach sixty degrees. I think itll be very warm all across regions you can see through the afternoon fifty eight norfolk sixteen chesapeake sixty one in