The Crown Point gun shows, which have been held for decades, long have been criticized as a place where straw purchasers can divert firearms to those cannot legally possess them.
Trying to explain Paganism to those who judge every religion by Christian standards is difficult. But when someone is genuinely curious, we can help them understand religion is bigger than they think, and that Paganism can stand on its own merits.
Fire fighter Sean Cummins from Dublin, who works out of Squad One in Brooklyn, New York, narrowly escaped death in the Twin Towers disaster on September 11.
Neopagans have a great deal to teach 21st Century socialists, if only we would listen. As capitalism has gone into deep decline in the United States and England beginning in the 1970s, two spiritual movements have sprung up outside Judeo-Christianity: The New Age and Neopaganism. Contrary to some sociologists’ claims that Neopagan Wiccans, Druids and […]