In late October 1948, a seemingly average fog descended on the town of Donora. Unbeknown to the borough’s 14,000 residents at the time, the town was enveloped in a deadly
Seventy-five years ago this October, residents in the Mon River mill town of Donora noticed something wrong with the air, something different from the typical steel-industry smog that characterized the region at the time. The nearby U.S. Steel Donora Zinc Works had released two dangerous gases, hydrogen fluoride and sulfur
Caustic picket line conversations and fiery union hall debates will take center stage in an upcoming documentary about the bitter 2021 ATI strike that impacted 450 workers in the Alle-Kiski Valley. “Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike” gives a behind-the-scenes look into the lives of union workers and their families while
They came to the last building left standing from the Homestead Steel Works on that fateful day, July 6, 1892. Close to 100 people packed into the Pump House on Waterfront Drive in Homestead Wednesday morning to remember the day that striking steel workers at the factory, locked in a