The Navy is facing a $500 million shortfall for its Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine program if the government is forced to operate under a year-long continuing resolution, a service official told reporters on Tuesday. The service’s fiscal management director on the chief of naval operations (N82) staff today forecasted a list of ramifications for the […]
The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) has proposed separate programmes to upgrade the service's two Pattani-class offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) and procure at least three additional assets. These proposals were outlined by the RTN in a video clip uploa.
A year-long continuing resolution (CR) to freeze funding could cause delays to the Columbia-class (SSNB 826) ballistic-missile submarine programme, according to Rear Admiral John Gumbleton, deputy assistant secretary of the US Navy (USN) for.
A year-long continuing resolution (CR) to freeze funding could cause delays to the Columbia-class (SSNB 826) ballistic-missile submarine programme, according to Rear Admiral John Gumbleton, deputy assistant secretary of the US Navy (USN) for.
In a rare press conference, the Navy's budget director said a year long continuing resolution would not impact his service's involvement in a potential Russia-Ukraine conflict.