Visit a jail turned museum, stroll among miles of sculptures, and brush up on your paleontology, all without setting foot in the state’s busiest metros.
Three-and-a-half years into Mark Housby’s management of a brand-new dairy unit, his focus on grassland management is helping him minimise the impact of
Meet a Texas Plant Hunter Who’s Combing Forests and Fields to Save Rare Flowers
Conservationist Adam Black roams the state looking for endangered flora, which he shares with researchers around the world.
June 1, 2021
Adam Black checks a small and precariously located colony of Oklahoma grass pinks he has marked with stakes.
Molly Glentzer
Adam Black parked his black Tundra beside State Highway 105 outside Brenham one morning in mid-April and trudged into an unruly-looking tangle of green stuff wedged between the asphalt and a scrubby tree line. Not far down the road, pastures were carpeted with
Lupinus texensis, the iconic Texas bluebonnet. Black had his phone camera out, but he was looking for less conspicuous blossoms. I was tagging along on a day of rare-wildflower monitoring, specimen collecting, and pollinating conservation work that would take us seventy miles east and keep us on the road almost until sundown. Most of the habitat Black showed me was surprisingly acce