I was perusing a copy of the Ladies Home Journal from 1900, as I often do, when I happened upon "What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years," an article
Every year, the world sees numerous technological developments that improve our lives. And every year, people predict how these developments will change
2020 predictions: flying cars, life on Mars, cut the alphabet, and robot cleaners
18 Dec, 2020 03:00 AM
8 minutes to read
Is there life on Mars? An astronaut exploring Mars. Photo / Getty Images
By: Emily Winstanley Almost no one, bar a few forward-thinking epidemiologists, could have predicted the events of 2020. But if you take a look at some of the more long-range predictions for this year, things have gone even more off-piste than we could have imagined. For a long time, 2020 was used as a date so far off in the future, that anything might be possible.
Emily Winstanley s been looking at what some prognosticators had promised for this year.