that s something that i think democrats want to lift up. and so did nixon. we remember our friend john dean, now a contributor, the president could have stopped him from testifying, h.l. halderman, john earlick testified, during the whole clinton matter. clinton himself testified before starr s grand jury. one of the big differences is that nixon believed he had to show the american people he was complying. he didn t want to fully comply because he knew what he knew and didn t want congress to know his crimes. he wanted at least to make a case that he was trying to meet his responsibilities under the constitution. that s what s so different this time. that was the m.o. of the trump administration at the beginning with the mueller investigation. they gave them everything they wanted. they gave them all the documents, all the witnesses, people who were working at the time in the white house, people who had left, working in the campaign.