– In a unanimous vote Tuesday, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors approved a $25 million contract to construct a facility that will bring the dispatch units of the sheriff’s office and Cal Fire/ San Luis Obispo County Fire under one roof.
Half of the waste that Californians dump into their landfills is compostable. "Most people think that organics will just compost in the landfill. But what.
Can Paavo Ogren get San Simeon out of hot water?
January 16, 2021
Under investigation for sole-sourcing large contracting jobs, conflicts of interest and applying for grants they were not qualified for, San Simeon Community Services District staffers selected Paavo Ogren to respond to the investigator. However, Ogren used to be the investigator’s boss.
In a Sept. 30, 2020 letter to SLO County Counsel Rita Neal, San Simeon resident Henry Krzciuk asked her to investigate the spending of grant money without a public bidding process. A year earlier, the San Simeon CSD had contracted with SLO County to administer and distribute the grant. Neal responded to Krzciuk that she found nothing wrong.
SLO County found nothing wrong, now forced to investigate
December 30, 2020
San Luis Obispo County spent years dismissing allegations the San Simeon Community Services District violated competitive bidding rules related to government grants. Now, the state of California has ordered the county to investigate because it serves as the administrator for three grants.
Allegations that the district had failed to seek bids for contract work began circulating through the community in 2017. Area residents and local activists asked both San Simeon officials and SLO County Counsel to look into the district’s alleged failures to put large contracts out to bid. However, public officials rebuffed their attempts.