Leftists and became an intellectual for conservatism. He knows the left better than they know themselves and thats why hes the most hated. He is the author of many bestselling books including radical son, left illusions, destructive and Holy Alliance just to name a few as well as the black book of the american left, nine volume collection of his conservative essays over the past few decades. David has written three recent titles about the donald trump era, big agenda, President Trumps plan to save america, dark agenda, the word to destroy Christian America and the blitz, in his book he recaps the relentless resistance and political in the democrat leaders in their media enablers have obsessed over sabotaging his presidency. David show us how those have backfired, galvanizing interning moderate voters to the conservative camp. He is confident that trump will steamroll his opposition in november using the same playbook he has used before. Rush limbaugh has enthusiastically recommended th
The coronavirus has changed so many norms and patterns of gathering as family, community, and here in congress. Send out your spirit that those who find themselves at odds with their colleagues might continue the Productive Work that must be done and which does not draw contentious attention, and addresses well the issues which are pressing upon our nation. Lord, have mercy. Continue to bless the men and women who attend to those who are sick, the number continuing to grow throughout our country. Keep our Health Care Professionals safe and inspire those who labor to find treatments and cures for this dangerous virus. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceedings is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from california, mr. Takano. Mr. Takano i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for whi
Left better than knows himself and thats why he is one of the most hated apostate. Hes author of many bestselling books including radical son, destructive generation, unholy alliance to name just a few. As well as a black book of the american left a nine volume collection of his conservative essays over the past few decades. Decades. David has written three recent title some about the doctrine error, big agenda, President Trumps plan to save america. Dark agenda, the war to destroy christian america, and the aforementioned blitz. It is the book he recaps the relentless resistance and political obstruction and left wing lies trump essays of Democratic Leaders and their media enables has obsessed over sabotaging his presidency. David shows of those attacks have backfired, galvanizing trumps base and turning moderate voters towards the conservative camp. David is confident trump is going to steamroll his opposition in november using the same winning playbook he has used before. Rush limba
For conservativism and thats why the most hated apostate. Author of many bestselling books destructive generation and unholy Alliance Just to name a few as well as the black book of the american left of that conservative essays over the past two decades. And there were two american have in his new book relentless resistance to political obstruction that trump has faced with democrat leaders and those enablers to be obsessed over sabotaging his presidency. And then to backfire to galvanized to turn moderate voters to the conservative camp. Using the same winning playbook he has used before. Rush limbaugh has enthusiastically recommended the book as president trump. So let me turn this over to David Horwitz himself. Can you tell us why you title the book blitz . With the racist anti american left and if i dont somebody says why me. There was a huge backlash to start with the creation of the resistance. And the oriental mandarin in washington a very posh hotel. A wonderful hotel. And poli
The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Our father, may your name be praised. Lord, use our senators today to permit justice to rule in our land. Remind them that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is an equal opportunity destroyer. As our lawmakers strive to do your will, reward their faithfulness,. Illuminate their hearts with your wisdom and love. Help them to remember that the entire ethical requirement is fulfilled by loving your neighbor as you love yourself. May this love for those in need hasten the day when justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. Continue to be our strength and fortress, sustaining us with your amazing grace. We pray in your merciful name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for w