Fear can be an ally, fear can be a foe - Fear can be a foe or an ally, and most often that’s up to each of us. We usually see it as a threat that only brave people can overcome. But fear is a.
Dogen would return to Japan and while he professed a nonsectarian Zen, in fact he called what he taught simply “the Buddha way,” he is acknowledged as the founder of the Japanese Caodong school, using the Japanese pronunciation, Soto. He was a prolific writer and some of his writings are considered among the great spiritual treasures of world culture.
an essential library for the Zen way. While I’ve stopped at twenty-four, I could easily have added ten more. But, this number feels to me as pushing to the outer limits of what might be a reasonable list. A stretch, perhaps, but not beyond the reach of the seriously interested. This very much is an introduction to the Zen that shapes my life.