The war, for two reasons. One, i wanted to set the record straight regarding how george bush and his administration misled us into the war in iraq under false pretenses. Secondly, i wanted to add my thoughts as to how to make sure this never happens again by trying to change our intelligence laws so that classified intelligence isnt misused in this fashion in the future. When i was writing book and finishing it a year ago, little did i realize that the issues that have sprung from our involvement in iraq starting with the invasion in 2003 are still with us. And i want to talk a little bit about that today at the end of my remarks. I know that we need to be out of here by 1 30. I will try to keep my remarks relatively short so we have time for questions and answers. And as you know, this is being filmed by cspan. When you get a chance to ask your questions please wait until they bring a microphone to you so your question will be on the air as well as my attempt to answer your question.
and it didn t change who he was as a person to him. and it certainly didn t change who he was ever going to be as a performer. he made that very clear. he allowed athletes, especially within figure skating, to trust who they were, - to be able to be who they are without feeling the judgment. you know, ithink, growing up, i knew something - was different about myself. i wasn t quite sure what it was. and i think, if there were more role models when i was a kid, you know, more john currys, - more robin cousins within our sport, it would have been a lot easier to identify with who i was. - you know, i wasjust looking, you know, there was seven out athletes in sochi. there was 16 in pyeongchang, and now there s over35, so, i mean, it s growing exponentially and we needed those
that s really what my show is about. in the late 1980s, the aids epidemic was affecting millions around the world. curry had been diagnosed with hiv in 1987, and by 1991, it had progressed to aids. john curry returned to the west midlands and spent his final years with his mother, rita, before passing away at the age of 1m. john s openness to his hiv status really set the groundwork for normalising what hiv as we know today is about. obviously, we lost millions of our community and people worldwide to this horrible virus i did have an uncle who was gay who was banished from the family when he was 16 years old, and he passed away of hiv when i was 16, 17 years old and it broke my heart. i didn t quite understand what was going on at that point because he was really never spoken about within the confines of our immediate family, but i remember being absolutely heartbroken hearing of his passing because he died without knowing
he ll turn professional and try to build an ice dance group. l those plans are still vague. there are, at the moment, i more pressing preoccupations forjohn curry. do you think you could win this thing at the olympics? i hope so. do you think so? i don t know. it s very hard. it s very hard to say. i think i have as good a chance as anybody else. 0lympics. by the 1976 season, curry was at the peak of his career in the sport. he dominated in europe, and for the first time, started beating skaters from the eastern bloc. he won the european and world championships, but most importantly, became olympic champion. well, the gold medalj is there at last, john. how do you feel about that? i feel great about it. it s wonderful. i m very happy. it s taken a long time. curry became the first great british man to win the olympics in figure skating, and his score was the highest score ever given during the era of the 6.0 scoring system in figure skating.
being absolutely heartbroken hearing of his passing because he died without knowing the love of his own mother. and it s heartbreaking to think back to john s era, and thankfully his family accepted him, but a lot of the people that he loved the most, that created the sport, thatjudged the sport, just didn t want anything to do with it, and it sjust really sad. i mean, eitherway, i what have you done? i mean, you haven t invented penicillin, i you haven t cured cancer, you haven t built- an old people s home, - you zoomed around the ice. is what you do really - of any importance at all? it s only important because things like skating or any kind of performance that brings people pleasure are really some of the things that, if you like, make life worth living. i know that sounds terribly corny, but it does. some things have to lift you or move you or, you know,