Thus far, in my articles and my 2023 book, The Word Set in Stone: How Archaeology, Science, and History Back Up the Bible, I have documented I provide extrabiblical documentation for ten kings of Judah & Israel, adding to my 15 previous similar efforts, for a total of 25 out of 42, or 60% "outside" verification.
We read in Genesis 6 that when the “sons of God” saw how beautiful the “daughters of man” were, they took (for sexual union) whichever ones they decided. We read in Genesis 6 that when the "sons of God" saw how beautiful the "daughters of man" were, they too (for sexual union) whichever ones they decided.
By News Director Jared Atha
After 31 years of service to multiple cities, Elk City Fire Chaplain Danny Ringer is retiring.
Before the latest Elk City Commissioners meeting, Ringer was honored for his service to not only Elk City, but other municipalities as well that include Weatherford, and Mountain View.
But it wasn’t just the fire department that Ringer served. According to Elk City Police Chief Eddie Holland, Ringer also served the Elk City Police Department when needed.
Ringer started his career as the Fire Chaplain at Mountain View before taking on the same role in Weatherford where he was named the Weatherford Volunteer Fire Fighter of the Year in 1996. He became the Elk City Fire Chaplain in 2007.