/PRNewswire/ PACE Loan Group (PLG), a national leader in Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing, closed an $8 million loan, financing.
Delaware County Passes C-PACE Resolution
Released: June 10, 2021
Delaware County Council unanimously voted to approve a resolution to implement Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) during its March 17 meeting. Council members approved C-PACE to help owners of commercial property with energy and water conservation projects. This program will also allow Delaware County property owners to access long term loans to pay for renewable energy systems, energy efficient equipment, and fixtures that reduce water consumption.
Council approved the C-PACE resolution and authorized the County to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with Sustainable Energy Fund for the administration of the Program. The program administration will include the adoption of Program Guidelines and a possible fee structure to cover administrative costs of the county.