And saved many lives and thanks for your considerable effort there. The dedicated u. S. Team that joined the response effort deserves our gratitude and as you already mentioned mr. Chairman and Ranking Member mentioned, six of our marines paid the ultimate price to help the nepal ease people and they will be forever missed. And as soon as i heard, i remember this, the ambassador voicing his concern to us as we drove through there about the stone buildings and brick buildings and vull vull vulnerability. You but longterm maybe preventing more people from losing their lives down the road and how we can assist. Thank you for what you have done and i yield back. The chair ms. Meng would you like to make an opening statement. Ms. Meng new york city is home to thousands of citizens from nepal and we have districts throughout the burrough of queens. I want to thank all of your departments for the Immediate Response to the crisis and your ongoing efforts. A tragedy like this one every minute a
Middletown Transcript
Two members from the newly-formed Police Advisory Board resigned Nov. 16, after they were appointed one month ago, Mayor Ken Branner said during the Mayor and Town Council meeting Dec. 7.
Andy Nhan, appointed by the town council, resigned because he plans to move out of town limits, which prohibits him from serving on the board based on the board s guidelines. Bishop Jeffrey Broughton, appointed by the NAACP, resigned due to conflicts with his teaching schedule.
Councilman Rob Stout chose Susan Mitchell, who will serve from 2020-22, to replace Nhan. The NAACP picked Debbie Harrington, who will serve from 2020-23, to replace Broughton.