Objects. Now in the nume realm, particularly the history human, the art, objects, and documents on display have the power to stand in for a larger historical narrative, conveying so much more than what is structurally defining of that object itself. But what about our book, civil war in 50 objects . How did this come about, and how effective is it at conveying the narrative sweep of the civil war in 50 objects . Well, its kind of a tactile history that brings you closer to the lived experience of the civil war. Thats because i was thats what made it so exciting for me. And if youre asking how it happened, it happened because of louise mayer. Louise asked me if i would be doing in this kind of a chronicle for publication, and she said, why dont you come in . I think you were there that first day of review. Why dont you come in, and ill put some of the objects i have in mind on a few tables in the Administrative Offices of the historical society. And what i saw during that the historical
Shrank stories about individuals who led slavery volts, educated fellow free people, and participated in abolitionist on harpers welcome to the Virginia Museum of history and culture in richmond, virginia welcome to our latest special exhibition which is titled determined, the 400 years struggle for black equality. This exhibition is part of a statewide commemoration of the 400th anniversary of significant events that happened in virginia and fundamentally shaped the course of American History that statewide commemoration is called american evolution 2019 and the determined exhibition is a legacy project of that statewide commemoration. And particular, a determined determined commemorates the 16 19 arrival of the first recorded captive africans in virginia. Then it looks at the instilling 400 years and traces the legacy of the beginning of slavery in virginia through emancipation and segregation, the modern civil rights movement, up till the president they. One of the unifying themes o
Arianna we are very excited about the authors who will be speaking here. Started, please silence your cell phones. We are filming and recording today and we prefer not to have any interruptions. We sure to use a microphone at the end of the event to ask questions. If you have not purchased a book and would like to do so, they are available at the register. After the event is over, there will be a signing line to the right of this table here. If you have been here before, you know we ask everyone to fold up their chairs after the event. Here with us tonight is dr. Damaris hill. Dr. Hill is an accomplished explores the work digital humanities. She has written the fluid boundaries of suffrage and jim crow. Dr. Hill is an assistant professor of africanamerican studies at the university of kentucky but she is here to talk to us about her most recent work , a bound woman is a dangerous thing. Dr. Hill honors the lives and suffering of africanamerican women heroes throughout history while pro
Day at all three locations here, and our new union market. We are excited about the offers that will be speaking for the next month so i encourage everyone to grab the Event Calendar to see who will be here in february. Before we get started i would like to remind everyone to silence your cell phones and devices. We are filming today and dont want any interruptions. We also ask you to make sure to use one of the microphones at the end to ask questions. If you dont speak into the microphone, your question will not be picked up on the recording. If you havent purchased a book yet and would like to do so, they are available you can ask a staff member and they will grab a copy. After the event is over there will be a signing blind to the right of the table and if youve been here before you know we ask everyone to fold up chair pull up a chair after the event and make resetting the store easier for the staff. Dr. Hill is an accomplished author and scholar. She has written two previous books
College. We are coming to life or my home office. In atlanta georgia. We been doing a whole series of Educational Programs that fall under abworking for social justice and encouraging the expression of diverse and marginalized voices. All through these virtual formats. We feel very fortunate that we have the privilege of talking to authors all over the country during this time. We feel that its really significant we continue to do the programming we already have scheduled because folks need history as we move through this historic time. Theres really no i can become no better book to help us focus on the movement for black lives were needs right now. If were white and want to contribute to the movement of black lives can do that now. We have the editor here michael long and Pamela Horowitz who is julian bonds lifelong curator. She is having technical difficulties but abmake yourself at home. We will get to some question and answer in the chat but please keep your cell phone on you. You