figures who ran for president and lost, but changed political history. tonight is eugene debs. then the white house briefing on wlaki.ath of anwar a our featured contender is eugene debs. at the turn of the 20th-century, a five time candidate for president on the socialist ticket, and the nation s most celebrated world war i protester. this footage captures eugene debs on his return home to terre haute, indiana. following his release from prison by warren harming warren harding from charges stemming from those war protest. tonight, we are in terre haute at his home and museum. let me introduce you to our two guests. ernest freeberg s book is called democracy s prisoner. it has been 85 years since he died. why do we care about him? he was one of our most important labor leaders at a crucial time. conflict between labor and capital. more importantly, he was the central figure in the socialist movement at a time it was a viable growing part of the american political cult