John Bradburne sought a life of solitude in Zimbabwe
Credit: Paul Grover for the Telegraph / Kate Macpherson
Today marks the centenary of the birth of John Bradburne: poet, mystic and wanderer, a martyr who was murdered for refusing to abandon the sick and, in the hearts of his supporters, a saint.
The cause of his canonisation has been opened; one watertight miracle is credited to him, the curing of a terminal brain tumour in a Scotsman who prayed for his help. Assuming everything goes to plan – and a second miracle is identified – Bradburne might become the second Englishman post-reformation, along with John Henry Newman, to be recognised as a saint by the Catholic church.
Juba, South Sudan, Jun 11, 2017 / 06:08 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The news that Pope Francis will not be able to visit South Sudan this year prompted the nation’s bishops to voice reassurances that a future visit is possible, and ask for a renewed commitment to peace.
“Pope Francis is very particularly (concerned) about the welfare of the suffering people in the world, and so is he for South Sudan,” the bishops said June 6, adding that the Pope “continues to remind us of the costs of war, particularly on the powerless and defenseless, and urge us toward the imperative of peace.”