Quorum call the presiding officer the senator for mississippi. Without objection. Under the previous order, all postcloture time has expired. The question is on the nomination. A senator i ask for the yeas and nays. The presiding officer is there a sufficient second. There appears to be. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote the presiding officer are there any other senators wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 556789 the nays are 42. The nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table and the president will be immediately notified of the senates action. A senator mr. President . The presiding officer the senator follow alaska. Mr. Sullivan mr. President , i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to legislative session for a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to ten minutes. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Sullivan mr. President , i
First, the bloomberg first word news. U. S. , morethe attacks on the republican proposal to repeal under place of obama care. Major medicated sugar say they have serious concerns about the bill, which cut 880 billion from the medical program for the poor. Some republicans are worried about state budgets. Vote tomorrow. North koreas latest missile test has failed according to military officials. They stated missile appears to have exploded within seconds of launch. After theree days regime claim to have made a Major Development in the Missile Development program. In europe, turkey has asked it remove it from the place being covered by the new travel ban electronics on board when they fly to the u. S. The u. K. Has joined in on the ban but turkey says it shouldnt be joined in those restrictions. And french president ial gettinge macron is ahead of Marine Le Pen. 26 in a first round matchup with Marine Le Pen dropping to 24. 5 . Beats Marine Le Pen in a runoff. Global news, 24 hours a day