Author of the article: Todd Hambleton
Publishing date: Dec 14, 2020 • December 14, 2020 • 3 minute read • John Beauchamp, the OPG director of environment health and safety, speaking about the release of a Climate Change Plan. Photo on Thursday, November 26, 2020, in Cornwall, Ont. Todd Hambleton/Cornwall Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network Photo by Todd Hambleton /Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder
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Ontario Power Generation unveiled a goal on Nov. 26 of being a net-zero carbon company by 2040 and a catalyst to help markets where it operates achieve net-zero carbon economies by 2050.
OPG’s first-ever climate change plan document – presented in a virtual event – lays out ambitious goals aimed at driving efficient, economy-wide decarbonization.
louisa thomas is of course the great granddaughter of norman thomas, who ran for president in six consecutive elections on the socialistic ticket. he was a protestant clergyman and as she explains he offered as a tenement houses of immigrant families. while his focus was often in east home from hi his experience may have been very similar had his focus on the lower east side. norman thomas dreamed of greed and integrate harmonious new york not entirely broken down by race and nationality. i imagine he would ve been heartened by the families live in our tenement across the street. we have a recording of a sicilian catholic women who remembers as a girl she lived next-door to lithuanian jewish family. on the sabbath she recalls they would call for young josephine to turn the light on for her. 60 years lives you could still share the pride in her voice for being called upon for that task. it is entirely probable that families living in our tenement which is open until the year