If your nose bleeds when you look at the high prices of the market’s most popular stocks, you may find some bargains in mid-sized stocks. I believe mid-capitalization stocks are poised to do well in 2024. I define mid-caps as stocks with a market value of $1 billion to $10
The second of two detainees who escaped an Arkansas jail last week was captured Monday, ending a dayslong manhunt that began as a result of failed head counts by the jail staff
Jatonia Bryant, 23, had been held at a jail in Pine Bluff, Ark., on a capital murder charge before he and another inmate fled last week, the authorities said. The other escapee was caught Thursday.
The escape of Noah Roush and Jatonia Bryant from the W.C. “Dub” Brassell Detention Center put Jefferson County residents on high alert last week, but that is only a small part of their well-documented life of suspected crime.