this president alone has stood up and protected americans interest whether it s on trade, on immigration, or foreign policy, he s ended decades of debacles to put the interest of u.s. citizens first and we should all celebrate that. reporter: steven miller always good to talk to you. thank you. reporter: gillian? john another great interview. leland? leland: we bring in freshman congressman member of the house foreign affairs committee good to see you, sir. we appreciate it. you just listened to steven miller there with john roberts anything with mr. miller on which you agree? that s hard to find. you know, i did agree with president trump that we needed to take on china, but we need to , if we re going to go to war against china we need to go to war with our allies, not by ourselves and you know mr. miller just said we need to celebrate this. i m not celebrating the fact that the average american has just gotten a $1,000 tax
it was the question. why do we want these people from a shithole country? that is the part that is very striking. immigration has been a part of the whole american ideal. the fact that he would ask the question, not so much the word. how do you defend that? i don t think you can defend it. fundamentally the president doesn t understand that immigration is what this country was founded on. it s what makes america great. bottom line. we are a nation founded by immigrants. we are here talking to you from los angeles. we are a melting pot. we have an enormous amount of folks all over the globe. it makes los angeles a dynamic and diverse city. going back to john s point we are going to run out of time and want to give john another shot at this. dave is absolutely right. i m not going to disagree. immigration does make this country great. what trump and the republicans are saying is we want to be collective and merit base and make sure that the people are