governor as well. hospital. four others treated at the gavin newsom out in scene. california about the one person had serious homelessness crisis there is injuries. a big one here in new york and historic explanation city as well as you know. goes up in displams. used to be an nypd officer. the massive fire tearing the stats shows over 78,000 through the huge massachusetts home. homeless in this city. fortunately nobody was hurt. now an advocate here the home built for john mr. president, if you are going to get involved in adams grandson and worth california, we want you to more than $2 million was new york city. destroyed. the fire is under investigation. mike fisher you need to tell the mayor don t take the pete? bull by the horns come up with a real solution the federal government is going to come in and do what you are incapable of doing. one month first major yeah. contest of the 2020 race. what s really stunning now leading the polls and about, this ed, is favorability amongst