23rd, wearing a long black dress with a huge veil. today it is not that kind of requirement, and certainly pope francis is not it was a choice. a choice by them. for example, when we re on the papal plane, we wear darker colors, nothing flashy, and don t wear mantias or head covering. it is a choice. it is out of respect more than anything. you have been to the vatican, it is a hum bling experience to see the pope and to be able to tour it the way president trump will tour it. if this is the first time he has been to the vatican, think of all that he experienced. he is going behind the scenes, up in papal apartments, going through the clementine hallway, spectacular fres kas. this is where the pope has his private audience when there s a glup. then he goes into the room of small thrones, into the papal
columnist e. jchj. dion, and ho you broadly see the pope? well, i agree with the last segment of everything that mr. wi wi willey said. the pope said that the church is not a garden of antiques. he said that it is not a skeptical of mo dedernity and b critical of it when you need to be, but open to it as well. and as a sort of taking off point, john 23rd is a good one, and he shares with john paul s papalcy when he was vigorous a certain charisma and appeal and
pope john paul ii, the conservative. but that dichotomy really obscures a lot more than it clarifies. these are two men who are both known as being important parts of the second council. john xxiii called the council and died, so he was not around to implement it. and in the years of confusion that followed, eventually was the pope from poland, john paul ii, who gave the council its sort of clearest and most definitive interpretation over his long pontificate. today those are reminded of the pope mobile and i remember seeing him when i was a soldier serving in germany. and i stood in ankle-deep mud taking pictures of him for the newspaper for the eighth army infantry division, and i was astounded and enthralled with his deliverance. he was so, so much a man of the
hand-in-hand with the truth that the church claims that is the bearer of, presents to the world. those things go together. john xxiii knew that, john ii, and francis these days. we appreciate your perspective in bringing that to light for us. and we know you ll be sitting there tomorrow to watch it, as well as 2 million people right there in st. peters square and so many more watching on television. thank you. thank you. by the way, we want to remind you you can see all the canonization coverage right here on the fox news channel tomorrow morning. it kicks off bright and early so make sure you re up at 4:00 a.m. eastern. and even if you re in your pajamas, no one will know. we ve been hearing a lot about the health benefits of drinking coffee. you get both sides of this. good for you, you. but there may be a new benefit. a study finding your morning cup of joe might reduce your risk of getting diabetes. a member of our medical aid team, dr. manny alvarez, live, next.
people. yeah. there was something remarkable about seeing pope john paul ii in person. and you could make the argument he was live and in person by more people around the world than any human being in history. his travels across the globe, he was someone who a lot of people came to see and flocked to see. and there was always this sort of gravitas about him. one of the times i got to see him was actually at the bee at occasion of pope john xxiii. and what was remarkable, there is something about john paul ii, and that something, i think, is what s being recognized tomorrow in both of these men. they re not being made saints because of their accomplishments as pope or because of the things they wrote or said. they re being cannonized, because the church recognizes what is already the case. that these were holy men, and that because of their holiness, they re being held up as examples for christians and for everyone. as to how you re to live your life in a way that brings us closer to