Semmelweis is a fast-moving and expressive production that tells the story of a maverick 19th century doctor, determined to save the lives of young women dying of childbed fever.Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis came up with the idea that people should wash their hands in an a.
Professional pride and personal tragedy stymied ideas about how infections spread in the nineteenth century, suggests a show about maverick Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis. Professional pride and personal tragedy stymied ideas about how infections spread in the nineteenth century, suggests a show about maverick Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis.
PATRICK MARMION: Rylance is perfectly suited to the part. Narrating his story to his wife in later years, he comes across as a nervous dogmatist who is weirdly unsure of himself.
Set in nineteenth-century Vienna and Budapest, the storyline is rather more complex than the rejection of proven methodology, and the show goes into Semmelweis’ personal life.