Beijing News You Might Have Missed This Week: June 5 Jun 5, 2021 2:30 pm | 1 comment | 34 reads
Herd immunity, here we come: The latest figures on vaccines in Beijing indicate that upwards of 86 percent of adults over 18 years of age have received at least one shot of their COVID-19 vaccine, putting the city well past the 70 percent mark that’s needed for herd immunity. At the same time, the latest surveys from
The Beijinger’s Safe & Sane WeChat groups indicate that foreigners have caught up with those numbers, with 85 percent of foreign respondents reporting at least one shot, and 75 percent reporting both shots.
Another crypto first for Beijing: Following the honor of becoming the first city in the world to host an NFT gallery at the UCCA, Beijing has now, too, become the first city to host a crypto-art solo exhibition. The Cookie Cookie exhibition is being held at the Gallery art center until Jun 13, showing off the work of Liu