opponents of gay marriage say all they are doing is defending a traditional way of life. sanctity see it is the of heterosexual marriage. marriage should be between a man and woman. that is the traditional way. it takes a man and woman to procreate. i just don t believe that men with men or women with women is the right way to go. i pronounced you legally married. they were tying the knot in washington last friday in what has become a common sight here. nationwide, public opinion has shifted to a clear majority of americans support same-sex marriage. 1 day, all of the intricacies happening at this moment in time will be in the history books just like i learned about civil war. it is imported for me to affirm that i think that same sex couples should be able to get married. the president came out for gay marriage last year. others have followed. today, there was arguments about a 2008 referendum in california which led to a state ban a of a marriage. tomorrow, th